I am super excited today because I got all of my natural supplements for fixing my gallbladder in the mail! I haven't taken any yet, and I'm going to start tomorrow at breakfast. I'm a little nervous that some of the pills might make me sick or something, but that is just my anxiety talking (mainly from having so many bad experiences recently with most any pill I've popped to help out my cause, but these are natural so they should go over just fine).
Besides that I had some adventures in juicing today. For both breakfast and lunch I "juiced" my meal, and both turned out successfully. For breakfast, I tried a recipe for the "immune buster" drink, made out of plums, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries.
I can't even begin to tell you how good it tasted. I even added in some of the leftover pulp to add some bulk and extra flavor to it. That recipe is a definite keeper, and heck, if it boosts my immune system too, I'll take it.
For lunch I made the "Gallstone Solvent" recipe. The book describes it as being a "bitter tonic" to help dissolve gallstones, so I thought, what the hey, let's try it. The recipe called for tomatoes, watercress, celery, parsley, radishes, and lemon.
The drink looked weird, and if you let it sit for too long the tomato juice would settle to the bottom and all of the other "stuff" would rise to the top. It was kind of funny looking. My husband tried some of this also and we both liked it. The bitterness of the radishes was a surprising bite in the drink. Now, I'm not sure if it did anything to help dissolve my gallstones, but I can tell you that for about 15-30 minutes afterwards I had a weird feeling in my stomach that bordered on nausea or indigestion, but it completely cleared thereafter and I was fine the rest of the day. Perhaps that sensation was it cleaning out my gallbladder? Who knows?
Today I also discovered that there is one good store to get a wide selection of organic vegetables in town!!! I was at the Kroger on North Knoxville just to run in and get some tomatoes and ended up buying a ton more, including organic golden beets (cuz I'm all about variety in my beets), because they had so many organic food available all in one place! And I didn't even have to go to Whole Foods in Chicagoland to get it! Super excited about that, but I'm sad that I might have to change my grocery store loyalty. It's going to be hard not shopping at Schnucks as much anymore, but I will get through it for the sake of my health... Hopefully, Schnucks will start upping it's organic produce soon so I don't have to switch.
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