Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sick for Christmas

Well. I am WAAAAAAY behind on blogging and reading blogs and that's just no good! Unfortunately, I caught that awful Christmas Eve flu bug that was going around and spent the last four days in misery. Christmas did not happen at my house this year, and it ended up being okay because my mother-in-law was sick, too. She didn't ended up coming over like she was supposed to and will be coming instead for New Year's. And with as sick as I was on Christmas, that was just fine with me! Found out on Friday that two of my coworkers had the same flu on Christmas Eve, and heard from a few patients who had it too. Not a pretty flu bug people. If you get it, don't eat a lot and keep it to bananas, rice, and tea. Do not attempt anything else! Oh, and lots of sleep. I'm finally feeling and eating normal after four long days. I'm thinking that if I had played it easier it might have been gone in three.

Anyway, I am way behind on reading blogs, so I must get to them and catching up with life now that I'm on the mend! I will post more later once I have some scrumptious soups and other feel good meals to share!

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