When one is on a detox diet, such as the one I am on, they must have a few guilty pleasures. Foods that bend the rules slightly but still, mostly, follow the diet. Today, I indulged in a few of mine.
Breakfast was my usual gluten free waffles with nectarine and honey on top, so that was still following the rules. But for lunch, I had Sushi Popo's vegetarian sushi combo. Yummy. Now, this meal pretty much follow the rules because it is heavy in cucumber, avocado, and rice.
It's awesome. But it kind of bends the rules by having little bits of fried crispies in the avocado roll (which usually has mayo in it, but I have them leave that out for fear of bending the rules too far-- and it usually does and makes me nauseous).
Yummy, fried food. So this one bends the rules a little and it can cause some slight gastric upset for me, but I try not to eat all six pieces and focus on the other sushi rolls instead.
Then for dinner tonight I made one of my newest most favoritest foods. Lamb and basmati rice stuffed vegetables. This stuff is so amazing. The lamb is definitely not on the list of approved foods, but it doesn't seem to upset my stomach at all. I assume this is due in part to the fact that lamb has much less saturated fat (or something) then red meat. For some reason I don't have trouble digesting it.
Doesn't that look amazing? Stuffed zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes. I don't eat the tomatoes cuz my tummy doesn't like them, but I devour the pepper and zucchini. I made a double batch so that I could have leftovers for during work the rest of the week. Can't wait!
Dessert was sliced peaches and blackberries with honey and lavender vanilla sugar on them. Delish! And there are leftovers of that too to put on my waffles in the morning!
Are you hungry now? :)
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