It started last night with not being able to sleep. I tossed and turned for about an hour, and despite being exhausted, I could not get to sleep. My neck was hurting and I was just cold enough that the combination of the two made me restless. So, being the junkie that I am, I took a very long, very hot shower. Ah! Relief. I still woke up a few times during the night, but at least I was warm and feeling more comfortable.
To me, there is nothing more therapeutic than a hot shower. I would take a hot bath, but if you saw the current or previous state of my bathtub from our bathroom remodel you wouldn't want to take one either. Either way, I think there is something to be said for the sensation of warm water running down your head and over your body. It's soothing and relaxing and feels like a warm embrace.
Over the past two years since I started having problems with my gallbladder and my health in general, I have resorted to many a hot shower. At first, the hot showers helped to make the pain go away when nothing else would- and I mean nothing, I pumped myself full of so many OTC pills I'm surprised my body still function (although I guess it wasn't functioning and that was the root of the problem, right?). During the early stages of the gallbladder healing process, the hot showers were still for that therapeutic feeling when I had flare-ups (and still do use it for that), but now it seems I have to take the hot showers because I am literally that cold. In losing the better part of 60lbs, my body has completely lost the lack to self-regulate heat. And in the cold Midwest, that is not a good thing.
Granted, I believe that once I am fully healed (read: get up the guts to do a complete GB flush even though the idea scares the crap out of me though it promises relief) my body will start regulating it's heat better. In the meantime, I'm an icicle pop the majority of the time and long hot showers are not so much a luxury, but a necessity.
Anyway, last night's shower made it possible for me to sleep, like I said, though I still didn't sleep the whole night through. Woke up groggy and wanting to complete do-over on the night. Alas, no such luck, and no such Groundhogs Day miracle for me (haha, funny). The morning didn't start off well either as a result, I wasn't very productive and time flew by while I was doing a whole lot of nothing and I found myself scrambling to make food for the day and get ready for work. Tuesdays seem to go like this sometimes, and I think it's because I don't work until 1pm, it leaves a lot of time for mindless goofing off.
Burnt myself cooking- more than once-, almost started a fire from overheating the olive oil, got aggravated that my kitchen was messy, got aggravated that my husband hadn't emptied the dishwasher or helped clean any dishes from two nights ago despite our "i cook, you clean" agreement, and then I almost forgot to put on make-up before work because I had spent so much time with being frustrated. Got to work, and things were not much better. The boss was in a funk, and that made us get in a funk. I had to promise myself mid-day that I would not be a disgruntled employee.
Ok, so the day got better after the boss left and things calmed down, and when I got home I discovered my husband had actually finished the dishes and done more work on our bathroom remodel (thank goodness!). Things were looking up!
Until I spilled an entire glass of water all over my keyboard and desk.
So I ask: What's with today, today?
And PS I'm officially throwing out the rest of the Red Velvet cake. Despite the frosting being awful, I keep eating it and it's not making me feel very well. I'm still trying to fix the candida situation was from the (stupid) antibiotics and it ain't helping. So good-bye vegan Red Velvet cake!
I swear, I'm off the sugar bus for real again this time. She is a cruel mistress and will not tempt me again!