Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beet Juice: Your Liver's Best Friend

It sounds so gross, I know, but I am in love with it. Beet Juice.

I saw it at the natural foods store a month or two and ago and thought, "Gross." Then a week or so ago, I broke down and bought it. See, I haven't been eating like I'm suppose to (chocolate and I currently have a love hate relationship) and as a result of that and some other things my liver has not been too happy with me these last few months. Kind of been having gallbladder attacks and a LOT of liver stagnation that manifests in rashes and other annoying things.

At first I tried it and was only so-so on it. Then I had some serious liver/GB pain the other night, drank a shot of it and what do you know, the pain subsided. Um, yeah, my liver loves this stuff. So, I'm forcing myself to drink at least a shot glass worth a day and I'm starting to enjoy the flavor. You get all the sweetness of the beets, without the weird texture. I'm thinking of it as a thick, slightly less sweet, grape juice.
So, here's to good health! A shot glass of beet juice!

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