Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Promise Kept

Well, I promised a friend (hi, Renee!) I would make a long overdue post this week. Tonight feels like a good night to write some stuff down.

First, let's get some news out of the way. Yesterday my husband's grandmother passed away. Although it wasn't expected, it certainly wasn't unexpected either. For the past three years we thought she wasn't going to make from holiday to holiday, but, despite her ailing health, she did time and time again. To say that she was a fighter would be an understatement, and her long battle to keep going until the very end is a testament to that. So with great love I would like to memorialize Marcella with this post, if even for a minute. Her fighting attitude taught me a lot about perservance in the short time I knew her. I am blessed to have had a connection with her.

Hard to follow that up with the mundane details of my life, but alas we must move on. I think perseverance would be a good way to sum up the last few months of my blogging absence. There was a stupid amount of drama, a lot of learning lessons for myself, and a lot of growing up that was done in the last few months. Somehow, the planets are aligning for me though despite the recent chaos and everything seems to be settling in to place.

I recently decided to start a jewelry making business. With the urging of my awesome boss, she helped me remember that I have a talent and that I should put it to use by making some extra money doing it. The business, in it's flegling days is off to good start. Sold quite a few pieces and am getting a pretty decent response from people. I'm learning a lot about owning a business, and it's a lot more work than one would think! Hence, my lack of presence on the blogosphere lately. I've done hours upon hours of jewelry crafting the last month! If you want to check out my stuff you can find me at my website or on Facebook.

Health is on the upswing this last week, though I was having some issues the last few weeks. I would like to say that Aloe Vera juice is a miracle worker (relieved some serious IBS symptoms I had been having for two weeks) and my new favorite food for upset tummy is a sweet potato. Weird, I know. On Sunday I was sick of my stomach hurting all day and the never-ending IBS after I ate, so I took a look in my You Are What You Eat Book and it suggested Aloe Vera juice for IBS, and sweet potatoes for the liver. Holy crap (pun intended), it worked! The Aloe Vera juice got the IBS to stop, and my stomach has stopped hurting since I ate the sweet potato.

Kicking myself, however, for not taking a picture of my latest kitchen creation: Asparagus and Fennel soup with ginger and leeks. To say that it's like a warm fleece blanket wrapping around you is the best descriptor I can come up with. I created the soup to help heal my liver and gallbladder, while settling my tummy. All four of those ingredients help both the stomach and liver, and I was so happy the soup came out so wonderful. Plus, everything was in season, and there is nothing better than in season vegetables!

Ok, I promise I will get back to blogging more regularly. Not just for my few readers, but for myself as well. It's nice to have a place to get your thoughts out, and I know I would have benefited from that the last few months.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Glad to see you back on your blog, Jes :-) Glad to know the pain has subsided. Would love to try your soup! During my fight with Lyme Disease over these last 4 years, I found that ginger tea really soothed the nausea brought on by all the antibiotics I had to take. I need to go checkout your jewelry tonight! Can't wait. Congratulations on the new business venture! TTFN!