Anyway, I made a very tasty spinach with rice soup that was quite simple in ingredients, and even simpler in it's creation. I literally diced the garlic, onion, and red chili pepper in the food processor, sauteed that up, added the rice, added the broth, added the previously cooked and wilted spinach, and voila! Soup! The heat from the chili was amazing in the soup. The recipe called for pecorino cheese on top, but I left that out since my gallbladder does not like dairy... or at least cheese and most other cow's milk based products. Surprisingly, I can eat a little bit of butter spread on my bread and I'm all right. Baby steps. Someday I will eat cheese again.
Here is the soup in all it's glory.
Look at all the Spinach! It's ridiculous. Next time I will probably use less spinach, but whatever. It was good, and good for me. Did I mention that I used my own homemade (carrot free) broth for it? My carrot free broth was a stroke of genius I had one day that I could use butternut squash in lieu of carrots (cuz I'm allergic, case you forgot) for a broth flavoring since they both have a nice sweetness to them (okay, full disclosure, my dad mentioned that butternut squash might be a decent substitute, which is weird because he hates butternut squash). It's super flavorful, too.
I wanted to share with you another other quick, gallbladder friendly meal that I like to consume, though I may have shared it already. It is my husband and my favorite tuna recipe, courtesy of Tyler Florence (love him!). It's a cilantro-lime soy cooked tuna that is made with all sorts of healthy and GB friendly items (garlic, ginger, cilantro, tuna, EVOO, lime, etc). Tyler recommends serving it with sliced avocado, and we take it a step further by serving it with rice. When we don't do the avocado, we serve it with corn which tastes amazing in the cilantro-lime soy sauce. Corn is not GB friendly, but with all of the good Omega-3s and other healthy fats in this meal I know my digestive juices are lubricated enough to handle it (and it usually does). Seriously, between just the avocado and tuna alone, not counting the EVOO, the meal is chock full of very healthy fats that are really good for the GB. Here's the pic:
Yes, I ate way too much last night when I had that for dinner, but in all fairness, my husband did eat quite a bit of the tuna for me (I never finish it). And, as a side note, my tuna is completely broken in to pieces in this pic because we have to kill my fish completely for me to eat it. Can't eat raw fish. Bad allergic reaction to that one. Never fun. And while I did eat too much last night, my GB and tummy handled it all right. Like I said, lots of good lubrication.
If your mouth is watering, here is the recipe. It's awesome.
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